
abril 29, 2012

Bloomed Wing


I wanted to have
in the tip of my tongue
that bloomed wing
opening at the passing
and a sunflower always
to the light of your countenance
I know nothing is certain
in this sea of petals where
I fall asleep and all I ask
even when not knowing what I should
is a lighter beat
a longer dream
a denser
or rather madness
of me


Translation- Luiza Melancia
Painting- Adam Hosmer

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abril 23, 2012

The Flight

I see you
I see you on the trees
in full moon gestation
I see you
in the geese and in the eagles
on the mountain cliffs
in the cloud
that goes by
cotton candy traveler
amidst the blue ceiling
filled with you
filled with us
I see you
above our heads
on the noxious weeds
rabbit’s burrow
And I see you
on the dustcovered wagon’s cartwheel
rain of tears
yours and mine
filling the whole ocean
with the breath of your joy
my oxygen


Translation by: Luiza Melancia

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abril 11, 2012

amar é... segurarmos juntos na mesma
rede cantando liberdade ao mundo.

múmias de nós

é preciso
ancorar o sol
nas asas dos nossos olhos

e soprar
as pétalas que se foram
antes do sorriso
nascer incólume

são emoções que
nos avassalam prestes a cair

e dúvidas
tais como razão e eternidade
múmias de nós

só a trave
que nos arregaça a língua
parece lembrar-me o entardecer

das gaivotas
quando o céu navegava
nos nossos olhos


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